Il punto fondamentale è quello di bilanciare nei propri esterni i colori della natura che vi circonda, se siete al mare potreste farvi trasportare dai toni dell'acqua e della sabbia, se siete in montagna potreste scegliere quelli delle rocce e degli alberi che vi circondano, o che circondano il paese o la città in cui vi trovate.
What I'm about to show you a small graphic scheme to decide colors and materials of your house! Of course if you live in an apartment as we could be ... useless! But dreaming how to decorate their homes imaginary has never hurt anyone ... but if you have that famous house, well at that point could be really helpful :)
The key point is to balance in their external colors of nature that surrounds you, if you are at sea might make you carry tones of water and sand, if you are in the mountains you could choose those of the rocks and the trees that surround you, or around the country or the city where you are.

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